Magna Concursos
2039617 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Ubatuba-SP

Review the a11icle below written for the The New York Times and pick the correct option as required:

"PRETORIA. South Africa - A man accused of masquerading as a sign-language interpreter durrng Nelson Mandela's memorial service, after he stood beside President Obama and other global dignitaries and gesticulated in gibberish, told interviewers on Thursday that he was a violence-prone schizophrenic and had seen angels descending in the stadium where the event was held.

The assertions by the man, Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, whom sign language experts have called an impostor, added one more bizarre tum to a story that has raised questions about the security at the memorial ceremony and spread a pall of distraction and embarrassment over one of South Africa's most solemn moments.

With Mr. Mandela lying in state here for a second day as thousands waited in line to pay their final respects, the government found itself unable to explain Mr. Jantjie's selection for the job, admitted it had paid a bargain rate for his services and asserted that the company that supplied him had "vanished into thin air."

At the national memorial for Mr. Mandela on Tuesday, Mr. Jantjie stood close to center-stage on the podium, clad in a dark suit, with a blue security lanyard bearing the words "state funeral" around his neck, gesticulating in what was supposed to be sign language for the deaf. The audience in the 93,000-seat stadium and hundreds of millions of television viewers around the world followed the event and his part in it.

But as a procession of leaders from Mr. Obama to San Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, to President Jacob Zuma of South Africa delivered their eulogies, Mr. Jantjie's mind was in turmoil with visions and hallucinations, he said Thursday. "What happened that day, I see angels come to the stadium," he told The Associated Press. He added, "Sometimes I will see things that chase me."

Later on, he defended himself: "I think that l've been a champion of sign language," he said, describing himself as "a patient receiving treatment in schizophrenia." However, there was no immediate medical corroboration that Mr. Jantjie was schizophrenic.

(by Nicholas Kulish, John Eligon and Alan Cowell)

Related to the article above, how can the following passage be changed into simple past?



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Professor da Educação Básica - Inglês

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