Magna Concursos
2404280 Ano: 2010
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UERJ
Baseado no texto Understanding University Library Users' Mistreatment of Books, responda às questões de 76 a 85.
TEXTO: Understanding University Library Users' Mistreatment of Books
Carmen Pérez, Manuel Cuadrado and Amparo Cervera
University of Valencia, Spain
Available online 20 February 2009.
This paper analyses university library users' attitudes towards book vandalism in order to develop a basis for intervention. Using a customer oriented approach data was collected from users who attended an academic library exhibition on vandalized books at a University campus. Respondants were asked both for their reactions to the vandalism as well as to suggest measures to solve this problem. Punishment and surveillance were most frequently mentioned as preventative measures although users also recognized the utility of the exhibition in increasing awareness of book mutilation. Further implications of social marketing for libraries are also discussed.
Article Outline
Book Mistreatment
Empirical Research. Objectives and Methodology
User's Opinions on Book Mutilation
User's Features
User's Solution to Prevent Book Mutilation
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary material.
Table 1.
Measures Taken to Prevent Library Book Mutilation
Source: Burrows and Cooper (1992).
Table 2.
Sample Features (n = 230)
Table 3.
Results Related Mistreated Books
Table 4.
Mistreatment According to Gender and Chi-Squared Test
Table 5.
Mistreatment According to Studies
Table 6.
Opinions About Mistreated Books According to Occupation
Table 7.
Proposed Solutions for Preventing Book Mistreatment src=Supplementary data associated with article can
be found in the full-text version on ScienceDirect. src=Corresponding author
The Journal of Academic Librarianship Volume 35, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 177-183
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