Magna Concursos
2496057 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Understanding the Five Elements
Water is represented by the color black and the calm stillness of winter. People dominant element is water prefer salty foods. They tend to be peaceful and introspective, though they can also be stubborn individuals. Water people value privacy and rarely share their personal thoughts with others.
Wood is represented by the color green and the rebirth of spring. People dominant element is wood prefer sour foods. They tend to be driven, assertive individuals, which can sometimes make them argumentative and difficult to get along with. However, they can also be understanding, helpful individuals who are happy to assist others in need.
Fire corresponds to the color red and the season of summer. People dominant element prefer bitter foods. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, unpredictable individuals. Fire people often have strong opinions, and are risk takers: they are passionate people who love excitement and change. Like fire, though, they can also be destructive and rude.
Earth is represented by the color yellow and is related to late summer – a time of wellbeing when things are in balance. People dominant element is earth prefer sweet foods. Earth people are slow to change their minds and rarely lose their tempers. They tend to be patient, easygoing, caring, and nurturing, although like some parents, they can also be overprotective.
Metal is represented by the color white and is related to the season of autumn. People dominant element is metal prefer spicy foods. They tend to be systematic and refined, but are sometimes viewed by others as somewhat distant or unfriendly.
nurturing – supportive
somewhat – more than a little but not very
All words below are adjectives, except:


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