Magna Concursos
Professional-Client Relationships: Rethinking Confidentiality, Harm, and Journalists’ Public Health Duties by Renita Coleman, Louisiana State University; Thomas May, Medical College of Wisconsin
Journalists seldom consider the layers of those affected by their actions; third parties such as families, children, and even people unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong ..21.. . This paper argues for consideration of the broader group, considering a range of options available for doing their duty to inform the public while also minimizing harm to others. Journalists might compare themselves with other professions that have similar roles; anthropologists, for one on such issues as confidentiality and disclosure. A broader lesson is the value of applying different views, theoretical frameworks, and starting points to the ethical issues in any profession.
(Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 2002: volume 17.2 Special Issue: Codes of Ethics)
Na expressão “to be in the wrong place at the wrong ......”, a palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna é


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