Magna Concursos
3202075 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: Consulplan
Orgão: Pref. Nova Iguaçu-RJ
Read the decription and find out the method it refers to.

It started being developed by James Asher in the 60s. It’s a method built around the coordination of speech and action where teachers give commands in the target language and students respond with movement. Defenders of the method believed that students learn a second language in the same way that infants learn their native tongue. They claimed that a lot of the linguistic input young children hear is in the form of a command, which activates the right side of the brain, thus allowing them to be able to internalize language immediately.
On the first day of a Beginner Level English language class, for example, the teacher might initially ask students to stand up, sit down, jump, walk, turn and stop. Then later, commands might include more information, such as touch your head, write the number 3, point to the window and walk to the door.
As students become more advanced, the teacher will introduce new linguistic elements such as prepositions (walk between John and Mary), adjectives (pick up the red pen) and adverbs (stand behind your chair), and will develop sets of commands with more and more detailed and complicated information.

(Available in: Adapted.)


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