Magna Concursos
2066554 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Duo from Minas is a hit in Brazil
Victor is 33 years old and his brother Leo is 32. They were born in (1) Minas Gerais and began playing together in 1994, in Belo Horizonte. Seven years later they went to São Paulo, where they continued to play in bars and clubs. From (2) 2002 to 2005 they released three CDs – Victor composed most of the songs. Recently they released their fourth CD, called “Borboletas”
Despite their success, they have not managed to (3) please everyone. A lot of people have a kind of prejudice against (4) sertaneja music and think it is cheesy and bland whereas on the Internet the musicians have been very successful. On YouTube their videos have been watched by (5) over (6) 20 million people.
Adapted from a text of Maganews
to please = agradar
prejudice = preconceito
cheesy = meloso, brega
bland = sem criatividade, “sem sal”
whereas = enquanto que
despite = apesar de
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